Jataro Kemuri tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Jataro Kemuri? Jataro Kemuri é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 4w5 - so/sx - 469 em enneagram, RLUEI em Big 5, IEI em sociônicos."

his fi is really strong in my opinion, he has felt like a mistake his whole life, and i think deep down, despite the behavior he uses to cope, he really desires to be accepted; after all, the reason why he got so attached to junko is because he saw her as the only person who loved him for who he was, since he had never met someone who made him feel that way before his rambles and short attention span could indicate a strong ne, he's constantly thinking about something different from his physical surroundings or the currently discussed topic, but unlike a ni user he always feels the need to talk about what he's thinking, or at least externalize it in any way possible


Jataro Kemuri (煙 蛇太郎) leads the “Priest” Class as a member of the Warriors of Hope and is one of the instigators of Demon Hunting featured in Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls. His title is the Li’l Ultimate Art (超小学生級の「図工の時間」lit. Super Elementary School Level Drawing Period).

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