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Tai Frasier tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Tai Frasier? Tai Frasier é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 6w7 - so/sx - 694 em enneagram, SLUAI em Big 5, SEI em sociônicos."

Why is she voted as so/sx? I doubt she’s sp blind, I think she has the warmth of sp6. I’ll just copy paste some explanations. “Self-Preservation Sixes are the more actively fearful (the phobic or “flight”) Six. They doubt and question things in an effort to find a sense of certainty and safety (that often eludes them). They seek to be warm and friendly to attract allies as a form of outside support or protection in a dangerous world.” (Beatrice Chestnut) Self-pres/social “This subtype of Six is generally warm and friendly. The self-pres combines with the social instinct in such a way that the Six looks to find security in alliances. They would rather feel comforted by the safety of like-minded individuals. Family and traditions are often very important to them.“ “In relationships, when healthy, they are very loyal and trustworthy. The self-pres in the Six brings a focus on security. Security to the self-pres/social Six is generated by connections with other individuals or groups. These alliances with others foster a “going towards. This stance usually involves a testing of others to make sure that they are safe. Does the other person have the best interests of the Six at heart?“ (Typology Central) I don’t think any of the du types fit her THAT much but I would say sp fits the most, I’m open to any replies :)!



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