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Prince Fiyero Tiggular/The Scarecrow tipo de personalidade mbti

Prince Fiyero Tiggular/The Scarecrow tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Prince Fiyero Tiggular/The Scarecrow? Prince Fiyero Tiggular/The Scarecrow é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 7w6 - sx/sp - 792 em enneagram, SCUAN em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."

I relate to his character so much, he’s always been one I’ve connected with. I also think it’s cute how he and Elphie have their functions in the opposite order. Looks like it’s portrayed as him covering up his unhappiness with Se decisions (he also has very strong Fi)


"Life is fraught-less when you're thoughtless. Those who don't try never look foolish.'"

Teatro caracteres semelhantes a Prince Fiyero Tiggular/The Scarecrow
