1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Religião
  3. Welsh, Gaelic or Celtic

Dian Cecht tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Dian Cecht? Dian Cecht é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, - - 358 em enneagram, RCUEI em Big 5, SLE em sociônicos."


As the Celtic god of healing, Diancecht cares for the sick and wounded without regard to their worship. He is so insanely obsessed with being the best healer in the multiverse that he even slew his own son Miach in a fit of jealousy, afraid that the boy might have grown to become a better healer than his father. Still, Diancecht seeks only the best for the greatest number, and he'll put himself in severe danger to bring life to others. Diancecht has healed the other gods, as well, fashioning at one time a silver arm to replace one lost, and using a cat's eye to replace a lost eye. He has a magical bath that can instantly and completely heal any mortal or god. Diancecht often uses his powers to enforce his notion that any wound is the responsibility of the inflictor to heal, or at least pay for. In combat, Diancecht will heal himself, friends, and enemies alike, for he is unable to control his penchant for medicine.

Religião celebridade semelhante a Dian Cecht
