Anemo tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Anemo? Anemo é um tipo de personalidade ENFP em mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - 792 em enneagram, SCUAI em Big 5, IEE em sociônicos."

I've seen multiple comments saying "it's ENFP cuz Venti's ENFP, it's XXXX,etc"; but none actually give further reasons of their vote so i'm gonna clear why i think it's ENFP. “I don't care what you do for a living. I want to know what you yearn for, and if you dare to dream of achieving what your heart desires. I don't care how old you are. I want to know if you are available to run the risk of being made a fool, for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.” ENFP'S are often described as free spirits but on difference of Se doms they don't search only pleasure in the moment but rather enjoy relationships with others and form deep emotional bonds with people that sorround them. They're also very creative (due to Ne dom) and ENFP'S often search the freedom of being themselves and live their life like they want. Anemo characters often look for freedom, but not only the freedom of going any place you want, but rather the freedom of thought. If you think of anemo characters they're also kind of rebelious in their own way, it's not that they don't respect the rules but on a lot of ocassions they're in disagreement with some rules of their region and often their also travellers or like to explore the world they're in. ENFP'S also look out for creativity and want freedom. This type of personality is known also for being able to stand out in any crowd, they tend to fight for what they think is right not caring if that's what other people think is a lost cause. Being impulsive doesn't mean that their not logical beacuse if we see in ENFP function stack it has tertiary Te. Having all of that in mind, both ENFP'S, and anemo characters, tend to be rebelious yet logical and both dream to have freedom in their lifes in some kind of way. Both tend to be seen as peculiar and sometimes weird. Also both value a lot their bonds with others, and when this bond breaks for some reason the love they had for that person it turns into a deep pain that they carry with them, but they don't show it due to the fear of being seen as weak or that the prespective of others towards them changes. This pain can turn into a motivation of moving on and find something that they're passionate about or some situation they feel they have to fight for. In general both things share key values. They're both out going, free spirits, and loyal with those they have an strong emotional conection yet logical, good leaders and fighters for what they think it's right. AND anemo characters live a lot in their past and think of it often, however it's good for them once they learn how to deal and learn from it. (Si)


Anemo is one of the seven Elements and the first one the Traveler acquires. Its associated Archon is Barbatos, whose domain is Mondstadt.
