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  2. Televisão
  3. Heartstopper (2022)

Isaac Henderson tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Isaac Henderson? Isaac Henderson é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 954 em enneagram, RCUAI em Big 5, EII em sociônicos."

Not that I'm an expert or what, but there is a scene where they are doing the French translate activity and Harry+Isaac talks about how they could never understand each other. That scene basically gives me off the vibes with the one person I never get, and will never ever be. Which is basically an INFP w/ ESTx gang. Like there's just these moments where we (INFP) wants to sympathize or feel some empathy even though Harry gives off bad energy, so people like him doesn't get along with a high NI. (I’m not saying all ESTx are like him, but just giving this comment to show how I think Isaac is an INFP). Dialogue: Isaac: "I know you think it's funny to point things out about people and get a laugh out of your mates, but do you ever stop and think how you're actually making people feel? Like c'mon, Harry. Where's your BASIC EMPATHY?" LMAO, that phrase screams a definite INFP, which also makes me remember that we INFP always wants to try a relationship (Maybe because we're surrounded of people falling in love). But in reality, some INFP in many cases we're definitely not in love, we're just curious how 'falling in love' makes us feel. Which I think, what Isaac do feel w/ James.


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