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  3. AI: The Somnium Files

Kuruto Ryuki tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Kuruto Ryuki? Kuruto Ryuki é um tipo de personalidade INFJ em mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 613 em enneagram, RLOAI em Big 5, EII em sociônicos."

I think Ryuki's PY was hardest to determine because of how much of a mess he is. I feel weird putting him 1F because of how often he neglected his physical health to drink his feelings away. But I settled there due to his ability to take Mizuki in a fight and hold his own against hoards of mercenaries even while drunk. I wanted to put him as 1E, but to be frank, he's not actually that unreasonably emotionally explosive, considering what happened to him in both his backstory and after he was introduced as a character BEFORE the cathedral incident. So I placed him on 2E. I settled for 3V due to his constant need to prove himself to everyone, especially Date, Tama, and even his motivation to become a great detective to honor his late twin brother. 4L was the overall easiest placement for me to determine cause he does not understand logic in the same way as most people would after a certain point. He eventually gets so mentally unstable that he starts bending logic to fit the weird motivations behind his actions.


Kuruto Ryuki (龍木 来斗, Ryuuki Kuruto) is the second protagonist of AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanA Initiative. Kuruto is ABIS's new Special Agent (Psyncer) who works alongside his partner, Tama.

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