1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Filmes
  3. The Witch (2015)

Thomasin tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Thomasin? Thomasin é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 6w7 - sp/sx - 649 em enneagram, RCOAN em Big 5, EII em sociônicos."

Hard to type her, but she has def Fi > Fe. Her Fi was shown in various parts of the movie, for example the fact that her whole family lowkey “hated” her, yet she still searched for confirmation from both of her parents. She even repeated “I love you”, while her mother was almost choking her to death. She also seems like an unhealthy INFP, but the blame is on her family. She helped her parents with the children, she did several tasks in and around the house, but still did not get any approval or compliments from her mother nor her father. They saw her for less even before Samuel (the baby) got missing and Tomasin was just an easy person to accuse, because she was too kindhearted and she would obey her mother and father in search for approval. She just wanted to “fit-in” but she did not gain that satisfaction from her family so she eventually turned to the witches and she finally felt accepted and fetterless.


