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Fiona Glenanne tipo de personalidade mbti

Fiona Glenanne tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Fiona Glenanne? Fiona Glenanne é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 8w7 - - 826 em enneagram, SLUEN em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Obvious ESTP. I won't get too in-depth but there's always so much friction between Michael and Fiona because of this. Introverted/Extroverted counterparts never get along easy. ESTPs look at ISTPs and think "you're doing it wrong(in terms of Se and Ti)" and vice-versa and Michael is a textbook ISTP.


Michael's once-and-future girlfriend, an ex-IRA terrorist who LOVES making things go boom.

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