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  2. Quadrinhos da web
  3. Muse on fame

Jin Cheon tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Jin Cheon? Jin Cheon é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 541 em enneagram, RCOEI em Big 5, ILI em sociônicos."

Jin Cheon was my favorite character throughout the series. His past really shows why he’s the way he is in the present. Seeing such a hopeful persons life get crushed within moments was heartbreaking. But as heart breaking as it was, it was very beautiful. Even though he was shattered, he still continued through his passion and did what he felt a calling to, producing movies. He didn’t reach for the stars or the ground, he stayed still where he was meant to be, and was satisfied. He did what he wanted, nothing more, nothing less. I love how honest and straight forward he was, with his words, movies, and decisions. He was very still.


A controversial but acclaimed director.
