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The Bigmouth tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é The Bigmouth? The Bigmouth é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 7w6 - sx/sp - em enneagram, SCUEN em Big 5, em sociônicos."


A (sometimes) softer, less-hateful alternative to The Bully, The Bigmouth is an annoying, um, bigmouth. Whether s/he is a Know-Nothing Know-It-All; an overbearing egotist like the Small Name, Big Ego; or an intrusive Nosy Neighbor, The Bigmouth just has a knack for getting on everyone's nerves (with the possible inclusion of the audience!). Much much humor is milked from the fact that The Bigmouth isn't nearly as smart as s/he presumes to be. In shows with an Ensemble Cast they will often be The Friend Nobody Likes. Oftentimes crosses over with The Dork (and if The Dork isn't a Butt-Monkey, the Bigmouth most definitely is).
