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Arcjec Voorat tipo de personalidade mbti

Arcjec Voorat tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Arcjec Voorat? Arcjec Voorat é um tipo de personalidade ISFJ em mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - 964 em enneagram, RCUEN em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

pretty clear 9w8, not sure why there are so many other votes. he wants everything to be as it always has been, and is reluctant to change anything about his life. avoids talking to taz because its a pain, but the 8 wing allows him to be confrontational when necessary. defeating the snake monster whatever is difficult for him because his whole thing is his apathy; he doesnt necessarily care about others as much as he just wants to stay out of trouble. obviously he grows more healthy as the story goes on, but all of this is a pretty typical ennea 9 development


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