1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Videogames
  3. Friday Night Funkin’ (Mod Characters)

Yourself (Silly Billy) tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Yourself (Silly Billy)? Yourself (Silly Billy) é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 486 em enneagram, RLUAN em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

"I'll make you say, how proud you are of me. So stay awake, just long enough to see my way." FI SX 4


Boyfriend, also known as Yourself, is an alternate universe version of Boyfriend. After the death of his Girlfriend and suffering an unknown incident, he has now changed both in mind and body. He is the star of the song Silly Billy.

Videogames caracteres semelhantes a Yourself (Silly Billy)
