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Think of future instead of present (Sensing) tipo de personalidade mbti

Think of future instead of present (Sensing) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Think of future instead of present (Sensing)? Think of future instead of present (Sensing) é um tipo de personalidade ISFJ em mbti, 6w5 - sx/so - 694 em enneagram, RCOAN em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

I will say, it's Si over Se. Se is not only focused on the present, and Si is more than just a "past experiences" function. Se is always priorizing the actual environment, "what can i do right now?". Si always priorize past experiences, "What i usually do?" Se is always looking for experiences. They tend to be focused on the actual environment, and these possibilities are created after analyzing this environment. Si is always comparing the actual situation with past situations, comparing the "right now" vs. the "last time." While Se always can get a solution just looking for things on their actual environment, also, Se tends so much to not care about consequences (a lack of future look). Si, when doesn't have a past experience, they get this "anxiety" and start to wonder about what the solution could be, not imagining possibilities, just looking their past experiences to see what can be useful for them to use in this situation and if they don't find one, this anxiety grows and could make them have this thoughts like "but what if i don't get this to prevent that", "but what if something wrong happens and I don't have something to resolve it?" or to start doubting if they are prepared for something unknown (Si's desire of sensorial comfort). I think Fe>Te, because Fe talks about a priorization of others' opinions, at least, an auxiliary Fe is always looking is if their solutions are the best for others or are acceptable for the society.

