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"Arche" (Archimedes Atlas) or Mr.Hirsch tipo de personalidade mbti

"Arche" (Archimedes Atlas) or Mr.Hirsch tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é "Arche" (Archimedes Atlas) or Mr.Hirsch? "Arche" (Archimedes Atlas) or Mr.Hirsch é um tipo de personalidade em mbti, - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."


Arche lost his brother when he was young due to a fire, after that he tried to become a professional that involved saving children. He was an apprentice at the psych ward as a Nurse, became later on a detective but settled down again to become a doctor to save children's health. Children loved him alot because he was a walking sunshine who offered them a open ear whenever things became tough again. He knows how to solve conflict and became Jeffrey's personal house doctor. Arche is interested in this halluctinated place Jeffery so calls "Arcadian"

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