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Lee Jin-Seok (S3) tipo de personalidade mbti

Lee Jin-Seok (S3) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Lee Jin-Seok (S3)? Lee Jin-Seok (S3) é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 9w8 - sp/so - 974 em enneagram, em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

I like to type someone based on the typical stereotype of MBTI. So here’s why I think he’s an ISTP, and a typical one: - He has a cafe & do things by his hands - He’s a bodybuilder - His attraction to Min Young (an ESFJ), a typical attraction between the two. - Dark humour - Appearance based on socionics: Calm mouth line, athletic physiques, expressionless/ calm - Traits based on socionics: Better aesthetics (just look at his videos) - The quiet one that observes everything & when he says something ppl will laugh Since i have a close friend of INFJ, he does not even look similar to one idk how to say this but i have seen way tooo many ISTPs being mistyped as INFJ. Why they are always mistyped as INFJ? Well, they can be surprisingly similar in many ways to an INFJ as they share all of the same cognitive functions of an ISTP ISTP: Ti Se Ni Fe INFJ: Ni Fe Ti Se


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