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  3. The 8 Show

3F tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é 3F? 3F é um tipo de personalidade ISFJ em mbti, 9w8 - sp/so - 963 em enneagram, em Big 5, SEI em sociônicos."

3F: The Everyman - The Shadow of an Ordinary Man (Te PoLR, The Everyman) 3F is the embodiment of "The Everyman", the average person who is easily swayed by other people's opinions. He represents the majority in society, those who are always struggling to find their place, lack consistency and are easily manipulated by the majority. Te PoLR makes him always worry about his own abilities, fear responsibility and be indecisive. He is afraid of making wrong decisions, afraid of being judged by others, afraid of having to bear the consequences of his actions. Like a boat floating in the cruel current, 3F cannot decide its own fate, being swept along by the game without the ability to resist.

