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The Dark Urge (NPC) tipo de personalidade mbti

The Dark Urge (NPC) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é The Dark Urge (NPC)? The Dark Urge (NPC) é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 8w7 - sx/sp - 874 em enneagram, em Big 5, SLE em sociônicos."

The Dark Urge (the NPC, not your personal character because mine is actually an INFJ for example) is such an extreme twisted case of an Se (Enjoying the thrill of the kill, impulsivity, sexual depravity, enjoying cannibalism, etc.) that it is quite insane how people say he was an ENTJ because he... was a cult leader? Or something? The Dark Urge was more controlled than Orin because he had Ti, and there was logic behind his depraved actions; please Bhaal by killing as many people as possible, no sense of organization or control or attachment, just pure murder and murderous ecstasy. I could talk deeper into the nuances of the Dark Urge (which has many and your character was far more complex than a murderous hobo) but then I would be talking about the personalization players can make of their Dark Urge instead of discussing the NPC himself, which are different people I think.


The Dark Urge was the name given to a white dragonborn Bhaalspawn—and the chosen of Bhaal―who lived in the Realms during the late 15th century DR. The name referred to the murderous and violent urges they received during many events they encountered in their life.

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