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Haruka Nijou tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Haruka Nijou? Haruka Nijou é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 5w4 - sp/so - 548 em enneagram, RLUEI em Big 5, em sociônicos."

I made some whack arguments in here LOL i think my idea of intuitive and sensing functions were janked up at the time Actually, I do see INFP as a possibility, but I'm more convinced of the INTP side of the argument because he has the same versatility in hobbies as an Ne & Ti user typically has. Of course, it's not to say Fi users can't jump from talent to talent. But, since Fi users have Te in their stack, they're mostly more interested in the general thought of the consensus & simplicity (unless they have personal emotional attachments to them) versus going all out in learning new tasks.That argument I made before where I said that he automatically jumps to conclusions when people refer to him and assume the conversation is about Kanata sounds more like Si to me now. Also inferior Fe because it's not as if he doesn't like people, it's moreso that he just has a difficult time understanding them and connecting to them because he's been isolated all his life.


The guitarist and secondary vocalist of εpsilonΦ. He is generally apathetic, uncooperative and something of a loner, but he has a seething hatred towards his brother, Kanata, and his mere presence is enough to sour his mood.
