Tygra tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Tygra? Tygra é um tipo de personalidade em mbti, 1w2 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

You won't believe me but I think Tygra is an Isfp at first I saw him as a thinker but then I remembered things of the show and I'm convinced he is an Isfp and I'm going to explain you why, first of all he is awful at planning remember when his brother died and he had to become the Leader of the Thundercats? he went straight forward to the enemy lair he never took a stealthy approach despite being able of turning invisible, not only that but the surprising amount of times that he was captured is also another thing that makes me see him as Perciever more than a planner, the other thing he lets his emotions take over him watch how he acted when he Was jealous of His brother for Cheetara and the Throne that under his point of view it should have been his, or how many times he became angry and I know that thinkers can loose the grip on their emotions too but Tygra expreses his emotions too often we know if he is angry happy or sad, when he became Cheetara lover he was extremely happy and when he forgave his father he was sad, he just can't be a feeler after expressing so much his emotions, but he lacks intuition he enjoys the rush and fears very little for his life we can see that in how he pilots and when it appears that he and Cheetara are going to die he just accepts it and kisses her, he is reckless but he is a good brother, son and a lover.


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