Caleb Smallwood tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Caleb Smallwood? Caleb Smallwood é um tipo de personalidade ESFJ em mbti, - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."


In early summer, after the "disappearance" of his cousin Tyler, following the fight against Klaus, he finds himself having memories of two conflicting realities (one that was real, and one that was made up of fake memories implanted by the Guardians). The reason he retains his real memories is because he is supernatural (not just a dormant werewolf, but also some kind of spellcaster). He sees newspaper articles depicting each reality as well, and determines from them that Elena and her friends know what has happened and why his memories are so conflicting. Hoping that they also know where Tyler is, Caleb begins doing yard work for aunt Judith, hoping to get closer to Elena so that she will tell him everything. Physically, Caleb had shaggy, dark blond hair and blue eyes. He was pale, short and weighed very little, prompting him to use a glamour to make himself seem desirable when approaching Elena.

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