1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Videogames
  3. Shovel Knight

Shield Knight tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Shield Knight? Shield Knight é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 9w8 - so/sp - 926 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."


Often, the best offense is a good defense, and Shield Knight knows it. Wielding a pair of Asymmetrical Shields, she deflects both melee and projectile attacks easily before getting into range and crushing her foes! For years, Shield Knight and Shovel Knight were inseparable partners in adventuring; with their expert use of unconventional weapons, they worked as one. Now, Shield Knight’s fate is unknown, but Shovel Knight’s goal is clear: he must journey to find Shield Knight, his lost beloved.
