Mr. Klutz tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Mr. Klutz? Mr. Klutz é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, 2w1 - so/sx - 271 em enneagram, em Big 5, ESE em sociônicos."

I think Mr. Klutz is an ENTP: He has loads of Ne,* no Si,** and he definitely has Fe.*** *Ne users are very creative. He uses Ne to motivate the kids to learn. **Si users like to stick to traditions. Mr. Klutz BREAKS traditions, then makes up his OWN to stick to. I say that has a small bit of Si, and no Se. ***Fe users care about others more than themselves. He’s embarrassed himself a million times after motivating the kids to learn.


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