MamaMax tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é MamaMax? MamaMax é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 548 em enneagram, RLOAI em Big 5, IEI em sociônicos."

i consider him closer to a 1 than a 5, personally his persona at least i've been following him since before the pedohunter/voice-changer era, so i can say his channel has always been Fi focused. his previous series called life sucks was all about sharing personal anecdotes of things people-- and he-- struggle with, but then giving practical advice on how to deal with the problem and improve. his channel has pretty much always been about attempting to make progress in a world that he interprets as not getting any better just seems very INTJ to me i can respect what he does and the amount of effort he puts in to his content, but yes he is very edgy. very, very edgy

