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Zuho (SF9) tipo de personalidade mbti

Zuho (SF9) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Zuho (SF9)? Zuho (SF9) é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - 163 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

ISTP voters how 😭 in my opinion he's definitely a fe-ni and just very much an ENFJ. just because the guy's a little quiet doesn't automatically mean he's an introvert. he has quite a big circle of friends and while that doesn't directly correlate it still has to do with something yk. i just don't see him as an ISTP. besides, if you look at the way he thinks/talks about his members (and even the fans), the fe dom is soooo obvious. he just seems like a stereotypical ENFJ to me. side note: i've noticed that it's almost always the ENFJs who get tattoos related to their members first (for example bts jimin, exo suho etc.) edit: yall people his age use their tert functions a LOT,, so ISTP voters pls reevaluate 😭i see where you're coming from,, i really do,, but at the same time literally what edit: guys they're literally the same functions just please rethink the order 😭 the consensus really needs to change i am Tired edit: OMG ENFJ JUHO AGENDA???????? THE CONSENSUS IS FINALLY FIXED I LET OUT AN INHUMAN SOUND IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS AND THE TEACHER IS LOOKING AT ME WEIRD BUT IM HAPPY SO IDC THANK YALL ILY


Baek Zuho (백주호; born July 4, 1996), better known mononymously as Zuho, is a South Korean rapper-songwriter under FNC Entertainment. He is a member of the boy group SF9.

KPOP celebridade semelhante a Zuho (SF9)
