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Bintang Emon tipo de personalidade mbti

Bintang Emon tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Bintang Emon? Bintang Emon é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 7w6 - sp/so - 612 em enneagram, em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."

His jokes contains : >93% critical thinking of Ti >87% interconnecting the dots and comparing to the past data or actual fact (Ne-Si axis) <5% warm feelings of Fe. A balanced Ti-Ne-Si, Fe could be appears sometimes but not really obvious. In otherwise I still can't see Fi vibes on him. probably INTP with unusual enneagram and uncommon tritype (6w7 tritype 612), maybe because he has been experienced life with many people in pesantren for many years, so his Fe not really presence awkwardly.


Gusti Muhammad Abdurrahman Bintang Mahaputra, better known as Bintang Emon or Gusti Bintang (born May 5, 1996) is an Indonesian comedian, actor, and internet personality known for his political jokes and commentary.

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