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Libertarian Party (United States) tipo de personalidade mbti

Libertarian Party (United States) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Libertarian Party (United States)? Libertarian Party (United States) é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 954 em enneagram, RCUEI em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."

In terms of philosophy of individual rights, I'd probably say Ti or Fi doms are the most likely, with their focus on the self as their main means of judgement so Ti>Te, Fi>Fe. Party voters are more likely to vote based on principle rather than pragmatism (after all, it's not like they have any chance of winning) so Ne>Se, though there is a kind of Se "no rules" libertarianism that you can see at the conventions (good luck not cringing). And at the very least, if you watch the conventions, you can see a critically, fatally low amount of Fe and Te. Seriously, they either don't care about how bad it makes them look, or they just don't understand. Though I'll continue to vote Libertarian until one of the main parties actually has the balls to cut spending and take on the debt, there is no limit to my facepalm at the party itself.

