1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Cultura pop
  3. Voice Acting

Risa Tsumugi tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Risa Tsumugi? Risa Tsumugi é um tipo de personalidade ENFP em mbti, 4w3 - so/sp - 478 em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

she's pure chaos!!! if you watch her interviews her Ne dom is so obvious. the way she's all scatterbrained while trying to mc during lives is so funny and charming i really see 4 core in the way that she's so strictly unconventional, shes always very very true to herself always very loud and crazy even in professional settings and she's highly personal and in tune with her wants and needs.. i just have trouble deciding the wing tbh 3 could work too


Tsumugi Risa (紡木 吏佐) is a voice actress from Okinawa, Japan. She is the DJ of the band RAISE A SUILEN and also voices Tamade Chiyu in BanG Dream. She is affiliated with HiBiKi.
