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  3. The Sims Traits

Good tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Good? Good é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 2w1 - so/sp - 216 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, EII em sociônicos."

If this Sim trait is defined by simple everyday practical types of kindness, then I would have picked ESFJ. Though since this one involves talking about a vision of world peace very often, I would say ENFJ. I believe ENFJs and ESFJs can be kind, but in different ways. I am simply adapting to how the Sims portray it. ESFJs, I find, are not really the type to talk much about these concepts and try to influence others to be kinder like a charismatic teacher as ENFJs are. ESFJs often show kindness by action, than giving advice from a more life philosophy perspective as ENFJs do. Though it would be nice in real life if ESFJs can learn to think of more novel ideas to help with tert Ne and ENFJs can find more practical ways to help with tert Se. With ESFJs, I imagine a very simple type of doer like Mother Teresa. With ENFJs, I imagine more of a Martin Luther King inspiring others with words in his “I have a dream,” speech.


These Sims become Happy around Sims with positive Moodlets, can Donate to Charity, become Sad with interacting with Evil Sims, and can Discuss World Peace.
