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Nanato Mukaido tipo de personalidade mbti

Nanato Mukaido tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Nanato Mukaido? Nanato Mukaido é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 549 em enneagram, RCOAI em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

Ok so hear me out, I actually feel fairly confident in saying he is a 6 core now, perhaps a sp/sx 6w5. To preface this, I will no be using the subtype theory for his typing because a) most authors kind of fall short of describing 6 in it's full versatility as it is one of the most common and variable types in the system and b) I don't think cp vs p is as simple as sp vs sx 6 nor a non-gradient phenomenon. Some authors agree with this, some don't, but I think that context is important. Nonetheless, if not a 6w5, I'd argue he's a 5w6 (as both types seem very prominent in his fears and general mechanics. I think at least I have a solid argument for why he isn't a gut core lol. I think the biggest thing about Mukaido which suggests 6 > 5 is his action orientation and that fact that his moral focus is very traditionally socialized and in line with the compliant triad. As soon as Metroploman becomes a thing, he immediately proceeds to try to find allies so that he can get rid of the problem/threat. While he is incredibly resourceful and is basically the one running the show between Mirai and Saki, he does not trust himself to defeat Metropliman on his own nor trust himself to be a moral and appropriate god. his concept of ethics is very universal and aligned with social norms. A good god candidate should be moral, a good god candidate should care about the lives of others and he has a very strong opinion of what that ideal should be in reference to this moral system. He is consistently overprepared, despite being entirely ok with dying, he walks into the fight with Metropliman with a bomb proof suit, prior to the fight, he's clearly already planned a method to protect Mirai by pretending to have a top tier angel. The hallmark of 6 is looking ahead, seeing what the worst case scenario is and being prepared to act on that if need be and, especially with sp in the picture, gathering all the physical resources necessary to do that EVEN if it is unlikely that terrible thing should occur. His response to this whole situation is that he is responsible for keeping people safe (though he definitely focuses more on his family than globally). His first response to a threat is well thought out action, not withdrawal, and I'd argue his lack of analysis paralysis in this sense hints towards 6 > 5. Of course he is also intensely loyal (which is not exclusive to 6 but like... Common with them) and you could probably argue that some of what I mention here is a product of him literally having absolutely nothing to loose since he is dying lol, hence why I think 5w6 is also a very reasonable thing to type him as. But like... This man is so clearly a head type. As for mbti, I think he's either an ISTP or an INFJ, I lean towards the prior especially if he ends up being a 6 core. INFJ 5w6 is a lot drier and could make sense with his demeanor, but would be double inaction (being that it is withdrawn and also inferior Se). It would be interesting to see some discussion on his mbti in regards to this.


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