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Lee Naeun (APRIL) tipo de personalidade mbti

Lee Naeun (APRIL) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Lee Naeun (APRIL)? Lee Naeun (APRIL) é um tipo de personalidade ENFP em mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 317 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, IEE em sociônicos."

can someone explain how she is INFP instead of ENFP? i've seen her interviews, watched her interactions with people and i see Ne dom hardcore. I can't see her as a Fi dom. Can someone explain how she is a Fi dom?


Lee Naeun (이나은; born May 5, 1999), also known mononymously as Naeun, is a South Korean actress and singer under Namoo Actors. She is a former member of the girl group APRIL.

KPOP celebridade semelhante a Lee Naeun (APRIL)
