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  2. KPOP
  3. Kpop

Zhou Jieqiong / Kyulkyung tipo de personalidade mbti

Zhou Jieqiong / Kyulkyung tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Zhou Jieqiong / Kyulkyung? Zhou Jieqiong / Kyulkyung é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 3w2 - - 379 em enneagram, SCUAN em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."

she is the original visual!


Zhou Jieqiong, known professionally as Jieqiong or Kyulkyung, is a Chinese singer based in China and South Korea and signed under Pledis Entertainment. After finishing sixth in survival show Produce 101, she became a member of the girl group I.O.I. She was also a member of Pristin and its subgroup Pristin V.

KPOP celebridade semelhante a Zhou Jieqiong / Kyulkyung
