Wayne tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Wayne? Wayne é um tipo de personalidade ESFJ em mbti, 2w3 - so/sx - 268 em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Wayne functions' stack be like: Fe Fe Fe Fe. Jokes apart, there's one specific instance in which I've made up my mind about all of his functions but let's start with more general informations. (This brief analysis contains spoilers. Proceed at your own risk!) He's seen to be pretty much people oriented and to have some sort of "flawless man" mask, especially if you consider Purple Heart event - in which Brad asks the main character to discover any weakness of his - so he does his best to not upset people around him by keeping this facade. He always takes into consideration his surroundings and behaves in a certain way to be pleasing in the others' eyes, the main reason why girls are crazy for him. Definitely Fe. Now, as I said in the introduction there's one specific instance in which I was kind of able to see all the other functions; I also wanted to confirm if he has some usage of Ti - because even if it's inferior he's an adult after all so there has to be some sort of evident usage, healthy or not - so this one was actually a good chance to check if he effectively uses Fe-Ti axis. This instance I'm talking about is "Frank's Romance?" which is about Frank's speculated partner. I'll briefly resume in the paragraph below the event story while emphasizing the small things which helped me spot his usage of certain functions. Wayne and the main character overhear Frank repeatedly saying "I love you! I love you so much!" and their reactions are quite different: while the main character is extremely excited and goes around spreading the word - immediately assuming that Frank is saying these words to his partner - Wayne is pretty much unsure about it, as they haven't confirmed he actually had a partner by simply overhearing his "conversation", so even when the main character talks about it with the girls in Westown he's still quite unsure. In his opinion, it was plausible for it to be just a funny misunderstanding, he actually thought about it deeply and came up with his own conclusion not really listening to what the main character had to say. He contemplated the possible reasons behind Frank's action and used his knowledge about him as a criteria to choose the most plausible option. The rest is not as important, it's simply about Frank explaining the misunderstanding and talking to his niece (I don't know if this event is also available for male players, maybe it is?) so Wayne isn't really involved anymore. What's my point? The functions I've seen are Si, Ne and Ti. Si: His usage of previous knowledge. He knows in detail how Frank's approach with marriage has been until now and this is what he keeps in mind when making his choice. Ne: He values the possibilities of Frank speaking to an actual partner or the plausible alternatives always keeping in mind his preexisting knowledge about him. Ti: He thought about it deeply to find his own conclusion instead of relying on what was universally accepted based on that singular event. Of course this instance itself doesn't totally confirm he's an ESFJ, BUT based on how much he values Fe to the point it surely is his dominant function, Fe-Si-Ne-Ti seems to be just right for him. I'll write down more if I'll be able to, by the way :D


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