Pelleas tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Pelleas? Pelleas é um tipo de personalidade INFJ em mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - em enneagram, RLUAN em Big 5, IEI em sociônicos."

How is he a 4? It's been a while since I read through the dialogues specifically, but I don't remember him being particularly focused on his own individuality? On the contrary, he seems to be very disconnected from his self-image and more focused on fitting in. He just kind of lets other people decide who he's supposed to be? Like, from what we know, Izuka just kind of walked up to him and told him he's a lost prince and Pelleas... simply accepted that lol. Generally, in the early game, he lets Izuka dictate a lot of who he's supposed to be and what he's supposed to do. He's very dependent on him to help him make decisions. His weak self-image, his dependency and blind trust in Izuka, combined with his general timid behaviour, not wanting to burden other people with his problems, and desire for harmony, I'd say points more towards him being a (not so healthy) 9? Like I said, maybe my memory is a bit muddled here, but I can't really see 4 over something like 9 for him? So why 4? Also, that same weak self-image makes me lean Fe over Fi for him, since he really doesn't seem to make decisions based on internal values, and more on what other people think is the best. Though I'm not sure on if he has Ni or Si, if someone else has some input there?


The supposed lost Prince of Daein and Ashnard's son. Although he does not wish to lead the country, Pelleas ascends the throne once the Dawn Brigade over throws Jarod to lead the people of Daein. Although somewhat weak willed and often relies on his mother, Pelleas strives to do his best for the people of Daein.

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