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  2. Teatro
  3. Jekyll & Hyde

Mr. Edward Hyde tipo de personalidade mbti

Mr. Edward Hyde tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Mr. Edward Hyde? Mr. Edward Hyde é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 854 em enneagram, SLUEI em Big 5, SLE em sociônicos."

If I’ve just seen the song “Alive” (see animatic on Youtube by S.K Michels) in this musical, I would likely just go with ESTP. The split personally enjoying his freedom, by hunting in the dark and smelly streets of London leaping around in superhuman strength as well as emotional insanity. Though in other various songs, he shows a kind of intelligence the way the split personality Dr. Jekyll also does. Sx/so, due to all the sexual intensity that is let out in various scenes (look up “A Dangerous Game animatic,” by S.K Michels.) At the end song in Confrontation (look up the animatic again), there’s one final scene between the two personalities where they get into a philosophical battle about morality in a kind of classical horror feel. Seems like a very Chaotic Evil ENTP thing to do.


Dr. Henry Jekyll's split personality - Hyde is born from a chemical experiment Jekyll tried on himself. Whereas Jekyll is compassionate, idealistic, and a decent-hearted man, Hyde is impulsive, ruthless, and ultimately opportunistic.

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