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Inarius tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Inarius? Inarius é um tipo de personalidade ENTJ em mbti, 3w2 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Inarius does not use Ti or Ne at all. If he was a Ti dom or a Ne dom, he would never have followed a prophecy, because he knew that what he hears is an opinion, not the truth, and what he sees is only a perspective. His actions based on Te are very obvious like killing his own son, Rathma, believing that he made a good choice to be welcomed back to Heaven, or believing that prophecy was made for Lilith, not for himself, also Lilith was right. Inarius BELONGED in Hell. Also Inarius wanted to kill humans and another angel, Tyrael, fought on humanity's behalf. He became a fallen one for his actions. Do not think that he went to fight against Lilith only for the good of mankind. He did this for his selfish purpose, believing that he would get to Heaven, he didn't care at all about the lives of his soldiers. Inarius was, from the beginning locked inside his own imaginary world inside his head. He had a god complex from the beginning. When Rathma-his son came to him to tell his father that Tyrael knows of Sanctuary, Inarius threw a show about how he is the strongest in the universe and at a clap of his hands the angels could wither and die, then he locked Rathma in the void for not being a good and obedient son.


The Archangel who was once an adviser to the Angiris Council and became tired with all of the relentless fighting between the two races. He then decided to go cohabitate with demons alongside his angels, creating the world of Sanctuary and the race known as the Nephalem, which would eventually become humanity.
