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God of Knowledge tipo de personalidade mbti

God of Knowledge tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é God of Knowledge? God of Knowledge é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w4 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, LII em sociônicos."

Share your knowledge, don't ignore that person. The runaways who got that knowledge (and went to a different parallel universe), definitely INTJ. Edit: If life gets difficult please at least research the mist, and some physics knowledge.


Basically a nerd with divine powers, and as such, can express a wide variety of flavors: can be a god of magic in general (and in this case, likely The Archmage), of science, of cunning (in which case it may be a Trickster God as well), or some combination of the three. If there are two versions of this god in the same setting, one of them tied to magic and the other to science, expect them to be rivals. Probably thanks to divinities such as Athena or Isis, the role is largely gender equal.
