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Klein Moretti tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Klein Moretti? Klein Moretti é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w6 - so/sp - 538 em enneagram, RCOEI em Big 5, LII em sociônicos."

Klein has shown to have good values, but isn't bound by them too much, as he was shown to lie and deceive others if he saw fit, pointing to a Fi that isn't dom or aux, but isn't weak enough to be inf. Thus tet Fi He is extremely practical about the things that have any value to him, but isn't strict when it's for the sake of his own or loved ones comfort, shown as how he gets different delicacies or clothes etc for his siblings. Which is his aux Te. As most readers can agree about the above functions i started with them which limits his type to I*TJ Although he can be shown to pay attention to details, such shallow argument doesn't make him a Si user, which is extremely clear when you compare him to his sister(an obvious *stj). He isn't bound by tried and tested. His Ni is obvious from his pattern seeking in different matters and his way of doing things. One example is when he made the ritualistic magic for tarot club based on the pattern and rules of other magics. While a Si user would rather gathering more knowledge and avoid trying new unknown magic. Debunking his Ne(ISTJ(are u jokin?) And INTP votes): Ne is basically exhausting every possibility. Although it might give the impression he is NOT using ne simply because of being creative or thinking of every possibility. All his thought process is always about narrowing down his conclusions to one main path. Tesla is one example of INTJ being creative and thinking about different stuff. Also ISTJ uses Ne as inferior i.e it manifests under stress and pressure not with so much that it seems like second nature. What comes as Ne is his Ni-Te way of solving problems based on patterns and external evidence, not Si or Ne. Having a tert or inf function showed so frequently and in so good shape means one thing: it's either not inf or tert, or it's not those functions at all. In this case it's a good usage of Ni-Te. And where is his tert Si or inf Fe? Noone can have a "good" inf function its literally the weak point and manifests in awkward ways. Klein's feelings and acts of morality are more of "what i consider good" and Fi than an inferior Fe. Aslo as a side note, you can see the difference between his Ni-Te and Leonard's Ne-ti quite clearly in their missions, ruling out the possibility of Intp


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