Choso tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Choso? Choso é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, 4w5 - sx/sp - 461 em enneagram, RCOAN em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

He uses Fi a lot, but I feel he changed his mind about Yuji a bit too fast to be a real Fi-dom. Not saying Fi-dom can't change their mind, but personally I woudn't go from "I wanna kill you" to "uwu lil bro" in ten minutes, it takes some time to adjust emotionally and reset out priorities. Instead, he was very decisive and straightforward which for me points more to Te in a higher position. And Si is probably his care and interest in the concept of family, he believes in the idea of learning from the past mistakes. Also his change of mind about Itadori was triggered by a memory (or dream?) of them being together, which might point to a Si-Ne kind of delusion (so creating a memory that doesn't really exist, maybe useful to "explain" to himself why he's getting complex feelings about Itadori). For enneagram I'm a bit unsure, he has some 1 vibes when he talks about wanting to be a role model for his brothers, he also has 6 vibes but personally I don't think he's looking for support, he wants to offer support so I lean more toward 1 for now. I wouldn't be surprised if he also has a 4 fix, I see him very in focus with his feelings and his inner world, I don't see 3 at all and not so much 2 (he helps only his brothers, he doesn't care about others).


Choso (脹相 ; Chōsō) is a major supporting character in Jujutsu Kaisen who is the incarnation of the first Cursed Womb: Death Painting. His motivation is based around his bond, loyalty, and protection towards his brothers, claiming that “the three of them live only for one another”, as they are all one. He has mastered Blood Manipulation to the point of being, in terms of combat power, the equivalent of a Special Grade cursed spirit and a Grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer. #DaisukeNamikawa

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