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  2. Literatura
  3. Piranesi

The Other tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é The Other? The Other é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 538 em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Actually refreshing to find a dumb INTJ villain. His Ni dominance was so unhealthy it made him paradoxically short-sighted, as he focused too much on the bigger picture without actually caring about the important steps of his plan (his Se-inf was obvious during his demise, too). I'd also like to say he's e3 rather than e5. Enneatype 5 would make sense if he actually cared about knowledge and answers, but he doesn't. He only cares about the power and status he can obtain from said knowledge, not about the learning itself (Odin from God of War: Ragnarök would be an actual good example of an e5 villain, he actually wants answers and knowledge, to the point of putting himself in danger in order to obtain it). Another unusual characteristic is his low Openness in Big Five, considering he's INTJ, a type that tends to be Inquistive. His lack of curiosity is actually straight-up laughable. No desire to explore and no passion for anything, he's just greedy for power. Remember kids, being "rational" doesn't make you intelligent. Not at all.

