1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Filmes
  3. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Mayor of Halloween Town tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Mayor of Halloween Town? Mayor of Halloween Town é um tipo de personalidade ESFJ em mbti, 6w7 - so/sp - 629 em enneagram, SLOAN em Big 5, ESE em sociônicos."

There's a scene in the film that he switches his mood into an agreeable one every single time he knocked on Jack's door and every time he didn't get a response he would turn on the mad mode. Also, when sh^t was going down, he said that he knew Christmas wasn't a good idea and that they should have kept doing Halloween like every year. Wtf, why melancholic??? "A melancholic person is typically very calm and quiet despite his powerful internal emotions. These individuals often choose to hide their feelings, preferring to remain calm and quiet even during events that typically elicit extreme joy or anger in others". Lads, he's literally the opposite [Edit]: the duality of his overbearing joy and sulky behaviour would give clear signs he's Sp2


Filmes caracteres semelhantes a Mayor of Halloween Town
