Aria tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Aria? Aria é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 2w3 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Aria's big 5: SLUEI While her big 5 is clear for the most part, I think she is actually more instiquitive, but low in facets that we more strongly associate with it like Intellect or Imagination. It's not a strong trait and it's possible she's just SLUEx Imagination : Low > When Aria has an idea, she often prefers to execute it right away rather than dwell on it. She's much more interested in the real world. Artistic interest : Mid > Not much to see. Emotionality : High > Aria is often comfortable dealing with her own and others' emotions. She doesn't deny her feelings and openly express them. Adventurousness : High > It's obvious that she's quite restless and energetic. Aria prefers variety to routine and is eager for new experiences. Intellect : Low > Same as Imagination. She doesn't seem particularly interested in exploring different ideas. Liberalism : Mid-High > She openly defy authorities and only does what she herself wants to. Aria also encourage this in MC multiple times. She doesn't show that much tolerance or intolerance for diversity tbh, but for the reason above I think Liberalism should be highrry


The troublemaker of Hades
