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Pirooz Nahavandi (Abululu) tipo de personalidade mbti

Pirooz Nahavandi (Abululu) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Pirooz Nahavandi (Abululu)? Pirooz Nahavandi (Abululu) é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

عمر گا*یده شد 🤣


Pirooz Nahavandi, was a captured soldier in the battle of Nahavnd in Persian-arab war. Seeing his compatriots being thrown off of the mountain and his brothers being brutally killed in the battle and his friends never coming back from other battles grew a hatred toward the evil behind all these, Omar. After struggling to get into the Madina, he became close to Omar. After Omar told him to build a mill, he made a two-bladed sharp knife. Pretending to be muslim, in the prayers behind Omar, attacked the caliph from behind and pierced him with several wounds and some other muslims who came to help were wounded badly or killed. After the revenge, he killed himself so he won't be arabs slave for another time. Later on Omar's son beheaded his wife and his little innocent girl.

Histórico celebridade semelhante a Pirooz Nahavandi (Abululu)
