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  3. Heartbreak High (2022)

Douglas "Ca$h" Piggott tipo de personalidade mbti

Douglas "Ca$h" Piggott tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Douglas "Ca$h" Piggott? Douglas "Ca$h" Piggott é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 962 em enneagram, RLUAN em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

Definitely a 9w1 if you compare him to malakai (9w8) he’s more silent about the way he protects or stands up for himself or others, malakai is like this too but more likely to crack under pressure and push others away. Cash is more solid and calm and tries his best to keep things together. He tends to go with the crowd and do what others want, go with the flow vibes (typical 9 things) but he ofc has his own values and doesn’t want his friends to get hurt. The Harper situation is a good example of this. He’s very silent about the way he sticks up for her and goes against his mates to save her in a way thats less likely to rock the boat.


Eshay, drug dealer and food delivery driver

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