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Change their personality based on who they're with tipo de personalidade mbti

Change their personality based on who they're with tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Change their personality based on who they're with? Change their personality based on who they're with é um tipo de personalidade INFJ em mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 396 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, ESE em sociônicos."

Saw another commenter do this, decided to give it a go With friends and in some online spaces: ENxP (I do this to entertain people so they like me) Around people I dislike: INTJ (intimidation purposes) With family: INFJ, but I don't make conversation much and I don't express myself. If they knew who I truly am and about the things I truly think, they'd hate me. Particularly my grandparents (tbh, they'd probably disown me for being queer and left-leaning) On PBD in particular: INFJ. This is the place where you're supposed to show your personality and true colors. That's what seems to be celebrated here. I've got nobody to pretend for


When someone changes their personality to match the energy/ preference of someone else in order to be liked by them. This is usually one of the case of people pleasing.
