Torako Koshi tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Torako Koshi? Torako Koshi é um tipo de personalidade ESTJ em mbti, 3w2 - so/sp - 316 em enneagram, SLOEN em Big 5, LSE em sociônicos."

Most likely to be ESTJ. REASONS WHY TE DOM - Koshi actively trying to maintain a perfect girl image. Internal struggle with her past + attempt to control situation like in Episode 1 where she tried to get Nokotan under control to not spill her secret (sign of Te, unlike ESTP Ti). - On the third-second episode, she wanted to beautify the whole club room and suit to her imagination and leave no nook and cranny unbeautified. She also became commanding and authoritative on the third episode in rebellion to the Deer Club members not doing anything. OTHER COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS SHOWN (SO FAR) - Koshi is in no way Ni inferior as well + showcased Ne in the same episode. When she went to her school and the teacher announced there'll be a new transfer student, She said that she had a bad feeling about that. This pinpoints to Ne rather than Ni (Ne typically considers unlikely "crazy" ideas with a mid-low possibility which Koshi frequently does, not high possibility unlike Ni). Another sign of Ne is in Episode 1 where shes jumping off of possibilities such as "cryptids" or "UMA organization tool" over Nokotan's nature. These are no signs of inferior iNtuition, rather tert/aux. Ne exists in the ESTJ cognitive stack. Combined with concern for reputation and structured approach to problems later on, it makes a recipe for an ESTJ.


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