Alma tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Alma? Alma é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 8w7 - so/sx - 827 em enneagram, SCUAI em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."

He is social 8 Social 8 In Detail Lust in the Social Sphere When lust meets the social instinct, it manifests as passionate and possessive nature of bonds with others, attempting to keep those they consider weaker happy. However, this isn't a necessarily sweet character, the SO8 often feels as if it's tasked to be the protector of the weak, they also idealize the idea of trust and friendship and once that bond is broken they might not ever forgive and turn to aggression. They are often compared to a person standing up to a higher force to protect those below. Some SO8s can also get lost in this idea of revenge that they forget that those who they are protecting are, in fact, people, and because of that can end up using those "below" as justification for their outbursts. They are also hypocritical in a sense that while they claim to go against conflict, they can produce more of it. In short, this subtype sees themselves as a protector or a buddy, using that as justification for their actions.


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