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  2. Desenhos animados
  3. Dream SMP

Skeppy (Dream SMP) tipo de personalidade mbti

Skeppy (Dream SMP) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Skeppy (Dream SMP)? Skeppy (Dream SMP) é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 7w8 - sx/so - 739 em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Ti Se both seem to be good and Fe Ni both seem to be bad. I'm voting ISTP purely because I see more Ti when he was interacting with the egg before possession because he was trying his best to understand it and why Bad was acting so weird. Se I guess can be seen in the way he realizes that covering up the egg with obsidian blocks its control (through Ti and observation (Se) I guess although this is a weak point especially since I can't recall if he knew blocking it with obsidian would stop its control in which case this might be a better argument for Ni)


(Skeppy's roleplay character in Dream SMP.) Skeppy is the sixteenth member of the Dream SMP, joining on July 18, 2020. He is a citizen of the Badlands and formerly, of the Dream SMP. He missed some key conflicts, being seen missing during the Disc Confrontation and during both festivals. He is a firm supporter of the Badlands and is a friend of multiple people on different factions on the SMP. He played a major role in the blood vines, being the first person to be corrupted by the Egg and BadBoyHalo's main motivation throughout the arc. (PFP credit to @SAD_istfied on Twitter.)
