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Yoshiaki Koizumi tipo de personalidade mbti

Yoshiaki Koizumi tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Yoshiaki Koizumi? Yoshiaki Koizumi é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - em enneagram, RCUAI em Big 5, IEI em sociônicos."

This dude is my all-time favorite game designer, period.


Yoshiaki Koizumi (born April 29, 1968) is a Japanese video game designer, director and producer, who has been working for Nintendo since 1991. A protégé of Shigeru Miyamoto, Koizumi has had a considerable influence on both the The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. franchises. He originally started working on The Legend of Zelda games. He was also working on Mario games, focusing on them full-time after he moved from the Zelda team in late 2002. Every single 3D Mario since Super Mario 64 has him as either director or producer. Most notably, he was the director of Super Mario Galaxy where he snuck in Rosalina's story despite Miyamoto's objection to stories in Mario games. He eventually took over from him as main producer overlooking the mainline 3D Mario series. He also directed Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, and had a small input in Donkey Kong Country Returns. Starting from the Nintendo Switch reveal presentation, he took a more prominent role as a face of Nintendo.

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