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  2. Filmes
  3. Wish Dragon (2021)

Din tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Din? Din é um tipo de personalidade ENFP em mbti, 2w1 - sx/so - 297 em enneagram, SLUAI em Big 5, em sociônicos."

okay so like please feel free to astral project me into the sun if im wrong but din is much more of an ne dom than an ni dom imo??? he’s a bona fide weirdo, he’s way more interested in external stimuli than being inside his own head, i don’t see the “intrinsically understanding” quality in him that i see in other ni doms. he multitasks and does several things at the same time, in the movie his mom even tells him “stop planning things” like it’s a reoccurring habit, which im willing to bet it is! with his fi aux it makes him less attuned to what other people say and more affixed on what is important to him, which is shown through the way he’s stubbornly attached to lina and also isn’t really all that impacted by what his neighbors say. like im saying, bona fide weirdo. last point im tryna make is that in that point of the movie where he gets mega upset w himself because linas like “haha yeah i can’t see you anymore you’re too poor” his instinct in frustration is to just solve the issue in the most direct way possible: get rich! and then lina will be his friend again, obviously! that moment was so te aux of him it’s not even funny. oh i lied there’s one more thing i wanted to say and it’s that he’s obvi a si inf because he can’t adhere to a class OR A WORK SCHEDULE WE SAW THAT GUY DOING DELIVERY ONCE AND THEN NEVER AGAIN LMAOOO. /j anyway thats my Thoughts

